Friday, May 21, 2010


OK, so last night I had planned for a boring night in. I cooked up my special chicken and some macaroni and was going to relax and pop in a movie! Well I couldnt get my dang dvd player to work so I was flipping through the channels on the t.v. ( fyi: i dont have cable t.v.) because I thought maybe the channel setting for the dvd player was wrong. Well much to my suprise I have cable t.v. and I am getting some really badass channels! No if only I dont get charged and the cable company doesnt catch the mistake this will be really great.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Second job...because my other wasnt putting the bacon on the table.

So, I just got a second job. Im going to be a cashier at TSC, or for you city slickers, Tractor Supply Company. My first day there was wednesday. It went well. Filled out paperwork, learned the register, and helped stock shelves. Not so bad and definitly not anything I havent done before. Looking back though I wish I would have applied myself more in college. Now that I am out and I see how much hard work it is...I wish I would have actually studied more and took the time to do everything at its best. I actually think if I could go back I would actually enjoy it. This being out of college working two jobs at minimum wage just really bites. But I guess thats why they call it the real world. Sometimes you have to do things you dont like and give up doing things you do like just to put bacon on the table!!!!! So Tuesday- Sunday here I come!!!!! Mondays are actually going to be my favorite day of the week now!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Put the bacon on the table

So I love my new job and what I do. Like anything else though you always have those good days and those bad days. Right now I am mostly having bad. Why? Because sometimes you have to make mistakes to learn and that seems to be how I learn best. I just know I have to put my game face on and get out there and kick butt. But I have to do what puts the bacon on the table. As much as I LOVE working in a vet clinic 3 days a week just isnt enough. I want more. So I am yet again on the search for either a second part time job or a FT job that works my booty off and pays me big bucks. This is stressful being a college graduate I should be at that point already, but I guess some people just get lucky and get all the right things. Not me. So, I guess Im just going to have to pray harder and maybe I will be one of those lucky people.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Job

So I officially have what I would call a big girl job! I am a vet tech at an All Cat Vet clinic! I have had this job for about a month now AND I love it! There is so much to learn but once I get the hang of it I believe it will be something I will truely enjoy doing. I just have to get my focus on, so wish me luck!